The Wise Society website, an international platform inspired by the philosophy of Sustainability, devotes an article to urban forestation in Italy, taking into consideration many of Stefano Boeri Architetti’s interventions in the area.
Imagining a world in which cities adapt to nature and not vice versa, integrating trees into the urban fabric, including socially, economically, and culturally is the focus of the article, which identifies Stefano Boeri Architetti’s Green Obsession, winner of the United Nations SDG Action Award in the Inspire category, as the philosophy to follow to mitigate the effects of climate change in cities.
The article then mentions Bosco Verticale (Boeri Studio), the first prototype of a new way of thinking about the relationship between the natural and human spheres, and then touches on the firm’s new green projects in the Italian territory: from Ca’ delle Alzaie, a residential building complex built along the Sile River in Treviso, which sees the reinterpretation of the typology for a low-density building; to Bosconavigli, currently under construction in Milan; from the Nuovo Policlinico di Milano, also under construction, which houses on its roof the so-called “Therapeutic Garden,” a roof garden of 6. 000 square meters; to Prato Urban Junlge, to the Verdemare project in Bari and the Green Promenade for Cagliari’s waterfront, currently under construction, which affects 24,000 square meters: more than 200 new trees will be planted – in addition to maintaining all the present tree component – and, with the creation of an additional 5,700 square meters of new green areas, the creation of a city park easily accessible from the entire front of Via Roma is guaranteed.
To read the full article: https://wisesociety.it/architettura-e-design/progetti-di-riforestazione-urbana-in-italia/