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stefano boeri

süddeutsche zeitung boeri

In an article by Andrian Kreye, published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung entitled “Mindestlohn für Bienen” (“Minimum Wage for Bees”), an overview is given about the insights and considerations that emerged during the two-day “DLD Nature” conference in Munich, which Stefano Boeri attended.

The conference, dedicated entirely to discussing solutions to prevent biodiversity loss, nature protection and the transition to a sustainable, future-oriented economy, emphasized how investing in nature means investing in a prosperous future.

More than half of the world’s GDP, as pointed out during the conference, depends on the well-being of our planet. Biodiversity is the foundation of all life on Earth and is critical to generating economic value in the future.

Between predictions and lectures, “best cases,” or best practices to follow, were also presented. Stefano Boeri, on Friday, September 13, centered the dialogue on Biodiverse Metropoles, a reflection on the most efficient sustainable strategies for contemporary cities in the time of climate crisis, and how architecture can address the great challenges of the 21st century, with a focus on energy resource management and Urban Forestry, presenting the Stefano Boeri Architetti firm’s projects including the Vertical Forests, Parco Italia and Green Urban Oasis.

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