In occasion of the event MIPIM Asia in Hong Kong, the newspaper South China Morning Post interviewed Architect Yibo Xu, partner and director of Stefano Boeri Architetti in Shanghai, to talk about the Vertical Forest concept, which was the subject of his speech.
The project under construction in Nanjing designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti will be the first Vertical Forest in Asia.
Yibo Xu said more stakeholders in China are realising the value of integrating green elements into urban architecture and the benefits that these projects can bring to the city: “This is something that everyone agrees on – clients, investors, governments, and citizens. People are finding that this kind of project is not just a rendering, but is possible to build and live in,” Xu said referring to the Nanjing Green Towers.
He also anticipated that Stefano Boeri Architetti China has been commissioned for a project in Wuhan by a developer based in Beijing.
The full article is online at this link: https://www.scmp.com/business/article/2176303/china-has-become-hotspot-vertical-forest-building-concept-says-design-firm