A SkyTg24 report focusing on the catastrophic events of the summer period in Italy sees Stefano Boeri’s interview regarding the future of cities, prevention and resilience of the urban environment to protect against the consequences of climate change.
Starting with the Green Obsession, a design philosophy of Stefano Boeri Architetti that aims to connect cities with the natural sphere and connect experts from different sectors and disciplines toward the common goal of multiplying trees in cities, winner of the SDG Action Award as part of the UN SDG Action campaign, Stefano Boeri analyzes and proposes actions to mitigate the effects of climate on cities.
“The issue of climate change has now become a perception that touches everyone’s daily life. We really need to act now both on the long term, to try to reduce greenhouse gas production as much as possible, and on the short term, to make our cities safe. We need to make our buildings-among the biggest contributors to carbon dioxide production-become small power plants that minimize emissions-with photovoltaics, geothermal and green. These are the challenges of the coming years,” declares Stefano Boeri.
For more information: https://tg24.sky.it/