On Schwaebische, a German news channel, opens the debate on how cities could change in order to be prepared for the current environmental crisis.
In the article by Claudia Klink, Angela Mensing-de Jong (professor of Technische Universität Dresden) presents the Vertical Forest of Milan (Boeri Studio, 2014) as an example of green architecture and a virtuous case of urban forestry. The complex hosts 800 trees, 15,000 perennials and 5,000 shrubs, which multiplies the green and permeable surfaces in the city and reduces the heat island effect in cities, thanks to the positive impact of trees in regulating the microclimate.
To read the entire article: https://www.schwaebische.de/ueberregional/politik_artikel,-hitzewallungen-einen-sommer-lang-wie-sich-staedte-auf-den-klimawandel-vorbereiten-_arid,11548745.html