After three years from the encyclical by Pope Francis on environmental themes, in Amatrice takes place the first forum of the Laudato si’ communities – promoted by Slow Food and the Church of Rieti that hosts the project of Stefano Boeri Architetti.
The House of the Future foresees the recovery, the restoration and the refunctionalization of the Don Minozzi centre, seriously damaged after 2016 earthquake and that will hosts a research and education centre dedicated to young generations.
«We choose to organize the first meeting in Amatrice because this land, wounded by the earthquake, evokes the difficulties of the relation between man and environment», explains Domenico Pompili, bishop of Rieti.
Saturday 28th the focus has been on the use and abuse of plastic. Scientific interventions underlined the importance of a shared plan to tackle the pollution produced by the production of plastic products. The initiative starts from this wide group of communities and from this places as the House of the Future which will be incubator of Integral Ecology inspired practices.
The full article: www.repubblica.it/ambiente/2018/07/29/news/amatrice_ecologia_solidale_cento_comunita_contro_la_plastica
The video on RepubblicaTV:video.repubblica.it/cronaca/stefano-boeri-la-mia-casa-del-futuro-per-la-comunita-laudato-si