In La Repubblica di Bari, an article by Gabriella De Matteis describes the Bari Vittorio Veneto Waterfront project, designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti and presented by Stefano Boeri in the context of the Lectio Magistralis ‘Green Obsession, visions of urban forestation’, held at the Politecnico di Bari.
The project is characterised by eight floors housing about 150 flats of different sizes, used by users with different social and family compositions. The added value of the project is the presence of plants and trees along the terraces and loggias and in the new park: the selection of the essences, which includes a total of more than 150 trees and almost 20 thousand shrubs and grasses, takes into account the specific requirements of the climatic and environmental context, including high summer temperatures and proximity to the sea.
The news was reported by national newspapers such as Corriere del Mezzogiorno, Bari Today, Ansa, Il Quotidiano di Puglia, Il Quotidiano di Bari, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.