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open school

In MAP, the Politecnico di Milano’s Alumni magazine, an interview with Francesca Cesa Bianchi, partner of Stefano Boeri Architetti, describes the open school philosophy applied to the Open Schools for Tirana project.

“The open school is therefore part – and a fundamental part – of the public city, and, as such, it must create, together with all the spaces usable by the community, flexible spaces capable of immediately relating to the physical space of the city and its citizens, starting from the networking of the “urban voids” with the aim of giving value to the aspects of aggregation, collectivity, and socialisation.
Schools, we believe, together with the weave of green spaces, new pedestrian routes, new infrastructures, will be pivotal points in shaping Tirana’s future,’ states Francesca Cesa Bianchi.

To read the full article: