A vegetal city doesn’t represent an utopia anymore, rather a model for the city of tomorrow.
The French magazine Maddyness publishes a reflection on environmental and social benefits produced by the presence of natural elements in the city, strongly affecting the quality of life.
90% of urban population breathe polluted air and “while we build bigger and bigger cities, we don’t understand how far we are compromising our link with nature, the real source of our existence”, declares Peter Kahn, Psychology Professor at the Washington University.
A reflection that shows not only the environmental risks but also the psychological consequences of an urban condition which completely excludes nature.
Among the projects that build a vision for a future vegetal city, the architecture of Stefano Boeri who, from Milan to China, cancel the border between urban and natural reality.
To read the full article: https://www.maddyness.com/2018/07/03/vegetation-pour-tous-nouveau-modele-cite-de-demain/