In the daily newspaper L’Unione Sarda, an article by Michele Ruffi focuses on the project for A Green Promenade for Cagliari Seafront, designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, which will go before the city council for final approval and the subsequent start of the construction phase, scheduled for early 2023.
The project envisages the redevelopment of the promenade on Via Roma, an intervention on the Port front, and the redevelopment of Piazza Matteotti: the new promenade triggers the creation of a park and a space open to the city, becoming a connecting element between the waterfront and the main public functions overlooking it, enhancing the entire area from a cultural, social and environmental point of view.
To read the full article: https://www.unionesarda.it/news-sardegna/cagliari/nuova-piazza-matteotti-conto-alla-rovescia-per-i-cantieri-vrah84ma