Cities are the theaters where the effects of climate change are most visible: they contribute to 70 per cent of CO2 and consume three quarters of the global amount of natural resources. Consequently cities have the respondibility and the opportunity to become a “fundamental part of the solution” as well.
The topic of urban forestry, that presents also extraordinary effects to protect biodiversity, must be considered a fundamental element in the design process.
The upcoming moment where you can investigate all these themes the best is scheduled to be in Mantua at the World forum on urban forests, from the 28th november to the 1st december 2018, where experts from different disciplines are going to debate and work in order to figure out policies that can support olistic actions on all matters related to sustainability, conservation of threatened ecosystems, production of renewable energies and mitigation of climate change effects.
Smart cities are introducing also the natural element as a fundamental part of the city planning and of architetcure design and stopped to consider it as a simple ornament.
“Bringing forests into the city or designing real forest cities means, on the one hand to fight the enemy on a common ground, and on the other that the carbon dioxide is transformed in fertilizer to feed plants”, Stefano Boeri says.
In 2015 Stefano Boeri Architetti presented at Cop 21 in Paris the project of a forest city for Shijiazhuang, the chinese city with the highest degree of air pollution.
Forest City Shijiazhuang represents the prototype of a new generation of small cities, dense and green, made up of dozens of Vertcal Forests, tall buildings with trees up to 9 meters high, shrubs and flowers.
“The presence of vegetation not only along the streets, in parks and gardens, but even on building façades, is going to be the distinctive character of this new type of city”, Boeri adds.
There are many projects of urban forestry that Stefano Boeri office is working on together with a multidisciplinary team: in Milan, the Green River project aims to realize a continuos system of parks, woods, oasis, orchards and publc gardens along the 90 per cent of the seven dismissed railway network.
This transformation represents one of the more important projects of urban re-qualification and re-generation that Europe is going to face in the upcoming years.
Another significant work is Tirana 2030 masterplan, an innovative project that considers the whole metropploitan area of the capital city of Albania whose general urban developping plan establishes that a continuous ring of woodland made of two millions of new trees is going to determine and stop the extension of the built city.
The complete article at the following link: