La Stampa publishes an interview by Francesca Del Vecchio with Stefano Boeri following the cloudbursts that hit the city of Milan in July, causing, among others, the loss of hundreds of trees.
Such unpredictable and exceptional weather events due to climate change are analyzed in the article and serve as a starting point for an analysis of future possibilities for prevention and protection of the urban environment.
“We need a classification of plants like that of earthquake-prone buildings this disaster is only the first episode: they will multiply if we don’t change urban patterns,” declares Stefano Boeri, whose Green Obsession philosophy, aimed at urban forestation and increasing green surfaces in cities, won the SDG Action Award from the United Nations SDG Action campaign.
“Losing the presence of the plant world in cities is not a contemplated path. It would be like saying that we give up working on the root causes of climate change, that to solve a problem related to an emergency we do nothing to make a dent in the causes of climate change.
And we know the fundamental role that plants play, especially in cities, in absorbing the CO2 that cities themselves in large measure produce and that is at the root of global warming. So, we need more trees, more greenery, more plants. A city only mineral and only populated by individuals of our species cannot work: that’s what we have been doing over the centuries and we have seen where it has led us,” concludes Stefano Boeri.
To read the full article: https://www.lastampa.it/cronaca/2023/07/27/news/stefano_boeri_i_tifoni_ormai_sono_la_normalita_ma_gli_alberi_a_milano_vanno_salvati-12967756/