July 4th, 2017
Liuzhou Forest City come from the Italian architectural firm Stefano Boeri Architetti and will be built in southern China in the province of Guangxi. The entire site will host more than 70 buildings including homes, hospitals, retail spaces, schools, and office and will be covered in trees and plant life.
The city will have all the features of a self-sustaining urban settlement, thanks to the use of renewable energies and the vegetation cover on buildings, which will act as an internal-external thermoregulatory instead of assorbing CO2 and cleaning the air from pollutants.
Stefano Boeri admits there is much research to be done before construction on the ambitious project ca be started. But he is confident that China is the place where he can complete the dream project and that it will have huge repercussions, not just for China but for the planet.
“I really think that bringing forests into the city is a way to reduce climate change” said Stefano Boeri.