February 7th, 2018
In an interview with Il Sole 24 ore newspaper, Stefano Boeri speaks about the future of Milan, reflecting on how to renovate the obsolete buildings of the city. «We must consider the possibility of demolishing and replacing the energy-consuming and fragile buildings» Boeri says.
Milan is a metropolis which houses an incredible variety of excellences in different fields, it doesn’t need to imitate any other city’s way of urban renewal. Health research, design, fashion, publishing, university, arts, culture: Milan is incredibly dinamic and innovative, from creative to scientific, from sustainable to business fields. A small metropolis that represent an example for the whole country.
Italy should find its own way of urban redevelopment, through encouraging the substitution of poor quality buildings, mainly realized between the Fifties and the Seventies, and removing the costs of urbanization to those who demolish a building in order to build innovative ones.