On Greenbuilding Magazine, an article tells about the first planting of the two Vertical Forests —Easyhome Huanggang Fertical Forest City Complex and Nanjing Vertical Forest — by Stefano Boeri Architetti China.
“With the construction of the Vertical Forests of Nanjing and Huanggang, our study has shown that it is possible – even in the heart of the great Asian metropolises – to construct buildings capable of absorbing CO2 and fine dust generated by heating and traffic and to reduce consumption energy for indoor air conditioning ”said Yibo Xu, Stefano Boeri’s partner in SBA China.
To read the entire article, follow the link: https://www.greenbuildingmagazine.it/crescono-in-cina-i-boschi-verticali-firmati-da-stefano-boeri-architetti/