The docufilm Green Generation, by Sergio Malatesta, produced by Maiora Film in collaboration with Rai Cinema, under the patronage of ENEA, with the participation of Greenpeace and the Antarctic Concordia Station, presents the state, evolution, causes and possible solutions of Global Warming in two parts: the first is dedicated to the analysis of the effects of greenhouse gases and the second to those Italian realities that are trying to establish their future in the field of green economy.
On the solutions front, the docufilm shows how it is already possible to obtain clean energy from land, wind, water and sun, also showing some virtuous situations such as the Bosco Verticale, the project by Boeri Studio (Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varra) in which trees are an integral part of the architecture.
For more information: https://biosost.com/index.php/sostenibilita/arte-cinema-e-filatelia/337-cinema11