October 9th, 2017
Liuzhou Forest City designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti will be the first Forest City in China. The Forest City will rise north of Liuzhou, Guangxi’s southern and mountainous province, in an area of about 175 acres along the Liujiang River. It includes offices, homes, hotels, hospitals, schools, fully covered with trees and plants. Once completed, the new city of 30,000 inhabitants will be able to absorb about 10,000 tons of CO2 each year and 57 tons of pollution and produce about 900 tons of oxygen. The new green city, which will be fully wired, will be connected to Liuzhou City by a fast rail line, used by electric motor cars, and will be used to host residential areas of different nature and commercial and receptive areas, as well as two schools and a Hospital. Liuzhou Forest City will have all of the features of a fully self-sustaining urban settlement, starting from geothermal conditioning for indoor use and widespread use of solar panels on roofs for the capture of renewable energies. The great novelty of Stefano Boeri Architetti‘s design is the presence of plants and trees on all buildings of any size and destination. In all, Liuzhou Forest City will host 40,000 trees and about 1 million plants of more than 100 species. This object is commissioned by Liuzhou Municipal Urban Planning.