Dezeen publishes an article presenting Stefano Boeri Architetti’s masterplan for the Ramagrama Stupa in Lumbini, Nepal, which aims to enhance one of the most significant representative places in the Buddhist world.
Stefano Boeri Architetti’s masterplan in coherence with the historical and spiritual significance of the ‘stupa’ – the sacred structure housing Buddha’s relics – aims to enhance Ramagrama’s role both as an archaeological site and as a place of prayer, meditation and peace. The project envisions a large Peace Meadow around the sacred Bodhi Tree, a sacred tree of the Buddhist tradition characterised by a high level of biodiversity, and the still intact Stupa of Buddha, maintaining a form of respectful distance to make the archaeological remains accessible for future researches.
In line with Stefano Boeri Architetti’s design philosophy of integration between living nature and architecture, the masterplan includes a central element – the ‘Peace Meadow’ – conceived as an open space for contemplation, with a design that recalls the mandala and the symbolic role of the place. The large central Meadow, 600 metres in diameter, is surrounded by a circular system of facilities, cultural spaces and areas for meditation and prayer covered by the Biodiversity Ring Garden.
The project for Ramagrama Stupa represents an extraordinary challenge: to create a center for prayer, meditation and peace in one of Buddhism’s holiest sites, respecting the very rich symbolism of Buddhist scriptures, to propose a project that will become one of the most significant on cultural heritage in Nepal.
To read the full article: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/12/15/stefano-boeri-architetti-ramagrama-stupa-nepal/
The news was also reported by ArchDaily, , ArchDaily Brasile, Urdesign, Designboom, Archinect, aasarchitecture, World Architecture, IoArch, Pambianco Design, Artribune, Topscape Paysage, Modulo, Yako Design, Rinnovabili, Ingenio, Agenda Viaggi, Il Giornale dell’Arte., Idealista, Interiorissimi, Gooood, Arqa, The Grand Tourist, Natural News, Gardens Illustrated.