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corriere della sera
interview with stefano boeri

Intervista Stefano Boeri su Corriere della Sera

The Corriere della Sera publishes an article by Luca Bergamin for the column Abitare, dedicated to green architecture and “forest-buildings,” featuring an interview with Stefano Boeri on the tenth anniversary of the Bosco Verticale in Milan, the first example of integration between architecture and living nature.

Starting from international examples of green architecture, where trees and plants are significant components in the final design, the article cites Bosco Verticale as a “revolution in botanical architecture.” From this initial prototype, another 12 buildings have been developed, characterized by the same basic typology but with different interpretations and functions adapted to their context: the Vertical Forest in Nanjing, China – the tallest vertical forest to date, completed in 2024 – and the competition-winning Xi’an Culture Modern Technology Experience Center, a new central hub for the city through a technology museum designed as an artistic and social center for the community.

The project includes a rooftop garden in continuity with the park and a system of terraces that allows visitors to ascend the building and gain a new perspective on the surrounding urban landscape. The green terraces and steps, open and accessible to all citizens, will also be an integral part of the museum’s cultural program of events: the different areas will host screenings, activities, shows, and performances – in addition to offering citizens a new outdoor public space with unprecedented views of the park and the city.