In the French editorial Ça m’intéresse, an article entitled Green agglomerations: the best ways to make the city greener, focuses on the challenges of the contemporary city, which are increasingly focused on the integration of living nature in the urban context, citing Boeri Studio’s Bosco Verticale as a successful example of this relationship.
From the redevelopment of abandoned areas to land consumption, the article tries to answer some questions about the future of cities by emphasising the need to bring more trees, seeds and leaves into squares, streets and buildings.
This approach has been put into practice in the Porta Nuova area of Milan, where the two towers that constitute the Bosco Verticale stand, the first example of biodiversity architecture, which considers the plant component as a basic element for architectural choices.
The Bosco Verticale is in fact the result of a vision that integrates the concept of biodiversity with that of sustainability. While the primary objective of sustainable architecture is to minimise the impact on the environment, while maintaining a strongly anthropocentric vision of the project, the Bosco Verticale’s approach to biodiversity includes the idea that man is only one of many presences on the planet, and that new forms of coexistence must therefore be sought.
To read the full article: https://www.caminteresse.fr/environnement/agglomerations-vertes-les-meilleures-pistes-pour-vegetaliser-la-ville-11190221/