The American website Boston Herald dedicates an article to the role of Stefano Boeri Architetti at the 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests (WFUF2023).
The 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests (WFUF2023), developed by the FAO, the Politecnico di Milano, the SISEF (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology), the Arbor Day Foundation, the USDA Forest Service and other international institutions with the technical partnership of Stefano Boeri Architetti, aims to support cities all over the world in moving towards a greener, sustainable and resilient model of urban development, involving one hundred speakers in discussions and comparisons on new models of healthy, inclusive and resilient cities for all.
Among the protagonists of the second day, themed “Inclusive Cities”. , Stefano Boeri presented the “Green Obsession: Trees Towards Cities, Humans Towards Forests” philosophy, which recently won the UN SDG Action Award. The speech also saw the sharing of the Parco Italia project, developed and promoted by the Research Department of Stefano Boeri Architetti (led by Livia Shamir, Senior Researcher) and the AlberItalia Foundation, which brings together SISEF.
“We want to present a vision of a future in which cities are transformed by roof gardens, community gardens, urban forestation and tree-lined streets. Increasing the connectivity between forests, gardens and green areas and promoting the creation of ecological corridors are the fundamental objectives of Green Obsession: an attitude that goes beyond individual projects, advancing a strategy of transformative urban forestation and a new perspective on the future of the global urban landscape,” says Stefano Boeri.
The news was also reposted by international newspapers, such as El Pais, AP News, Morning Star, The Newport Daily Express, Birmingham News Chronicle, Courier Post, The Daily News (Galveston), News Channel Nebraska, The Chronicle journal, Impact.