On Archdaily un articolo presents the three new open schools designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti in Tirana. One of the schools, Don Bosco school, was already inaugurated on December 16th 2021 with the presence of the Prime Minister of Albania.
The new schools has been designed as an accessible place for citizens of all ages, open every hour of the day and every day of the year: a new epicenter within the life of urban districts.
“If before it might have seemed as a great utopia, today – after this dramatic pandemic – the theme of open schools has become a real necessity to answer the question of well-being that arises from citizens all around the world”, says Stefano Boeri.
To read the entire article, follow the link: https://www.archdaily.com/974093/stefano-boeri-architetti-transforms-schools-into-a-mixed-use-space-for-the-whole-community-in-tirana