The Ansa website presents the masterplan for the redevelopment of the Valdinievole, a project by Stefano Boeri Architetti for the Fondazione Caript, for the enhancement of the area between the provinces of Pistoia, Florence, Lucca and Pisa, administratively divided into 11 municipalities.
Presented on 19 September in Pistoia, the project poses as a device of social connectivity, networking local services and resources; of physical connectivity, thanks to the creation of a cycling and sustainable infrastructure; and of cultural and technological connectivity, enhancing the existing heritage and favouring the development of energy communities and the implementation of renewable and sustainable production systems, useful to make the territory self-sufficient in terms of energy.
Extending over more than 260 square kilometres, with a population of about 120,000 inhabitants, the Valdinievole area is characterised by common elements in terms of history, landscape, economy and infrastructure, with a majority of agricultural areas and natural and wooded areas – while urbanised areas occupy less than a quarter of the territory.
In the constellation of the 22 historical villages, one can distinguish some supra-local polarities such as the Pinocchio Park, the Unesco site of Montecatini Terme, infrastructural polarities such as the international airport of Pisa and, downstream, the agricultural plain surrounding the largest inland marshland in Italy, the Padule di Fucecchio.
To read the full article: https://www.ansa.it/toscana/notizie/2023/09/19/una-ciclovia-come-brand-turistico-della-valdinievole_7a827d2c-098a-47f6-becf-aa63075c7105.html
The news was also reported by La Nazione, Il Giornale Trentino, Il Tirreno, Quotidiano Nazionale (La Nazione).