At the Villa Méditerranée, the cultural space designed by Boeri Studio and built in Marseille in 2013, a reconstruction of the Cosquer cave, hidden in the depths of the Calanques natural park, opens to the public.
The cave is practically inaccessible, except to diving experts and archaeologists; a long and complicated work of documentation and digitization of the volumes and walls of the cave, with all the constraints of underwater expeditions, has now resulted in the creation of a “copy” of the cave. This reproduction, almost 100% faithful, was created in the spaces of the Villa Méditérranée and is accessible from 4th June 2022.
The news was reported by numerous international newspapers such as France Today, Il Giornale dell’Arte, Le Moniteur, SkyArte, Jardindesmodes
In September 2023, the one million visitor mark was reached, underlining the success of the project.