On October 3rd Stefano Boeri Architetti will take part to the 11th Green Building Convention, hosted by the Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) that will take place in Cape Town from 3 – 5 October 2018 at the Century City Conference Centre.
Stefano Boeri Architetti leads an important research on the environmental issues, with a specific focus on Urban Forestry as a solution to tackle climate change.
The studio of Stefano Boeri develops strategies and models of urban developments collaborating with international players and institutions.
The GBCSA is a non-profit, member driven organisation dedicated to the transformation of the South African property industry to ensure that buildings are designed, built and operated in an environmentally sustainable way.
This year the convention theme is: THE RACE TO ZERO, with a focus on buildings that achieve net zero carbon emissions, as well as building with net-zero water, waste and ecological impact.
For more information on the event please visit the website: www.gbcsaconvention.org.za
For more information on the speakers: https://gbcsaconvention.org.za/speakers/