march 23rd, 2017
The team leaded by Stefano Boeri Architetti is one of the tree winners of the International Competition of ideas OpenTaranto, to design the requalification and development of Taranto’s old Town. The award cerimony will be tomorrow, March 2017, Friday 24th at 3.00 pm at Aragonese Castle in Taranto.
The group took part to OpenTaranto competition with Taranto Calling project which will presented. is among the 3 short-listed winners. “Taranto’s Old Town is a palimpsest of works and architectures, left behind by history in a plot of land. A historic area dense with buildings and palaces rising from the sea. An island made of stone, cut by the narrow breaches of streets and squeezed between the walls and the docks. A monolith surrounded by the sea, carved in caves and passages connecting, along vertical axes, roofs, terraces and the sea level” explained the architect Stefano Boeri. The project looks for the ransom of a whole world of relations, exchanges, utopias crossing an entire geopolitical basin.
The competition has been promoted in 2016 by Invitalia, aims to the renewal of Taranto’s historic centre, the Old Town, an island between two seas, with great potentialities but basically abandoned.
At the event will be present the Admiral Eduardo Serra, Ippazio Stefano, the Mayor of Taranto, Anna Maria Curcuruto, and Mr. Claudio De Vincenti, Ministry of regional cohesion, who will close the cerimony.
Project leader: Hana Narvaez, Design team: Matheus Cartocci, Francesca Da Pozzo, Lucrezia De Marco
Partnerts: SMALL Soft Metropolitan Architecture & Landscape Lab / Antonella Berardi, architetto/ Giuseppe Armando Gagliardi, architetto / Raffaella Nanetti, Sociologa / Davide Bazzini, Sociologo Consulenti: Luca Molinari, Storico dell’architettura / Maria Teresa Giannotta, Archeologa / Luca Cianfriglia, Marketing e Smart Planning / Roberto Mezzalama, Ecologia e Tutela Ambientale / Antonella Bottalico, Esperta in ecologia e tutela ambientale / Giulio Farella, Ecologia e Tutela Ambientale / Angel Ibeas Portilla, Esperto in mobilità / Nicola Berloco, Esperto in mobilità / Ilda Curti, Esperta in partecipazione e comunicazione
More information on: https://www.stefanoboeriarchitetti.net/en/portfolios/taranto-calling-2/