On Thursday 14th July is held the presentation of the book Spazi per un’idea – L’area dell’istituto Padre Minozzi di Amatrice, curated by Paola Refice (Superintendent of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Frosinone, Latina and Rieti) and Daniele Carfagna. The theme of the book, the memory and reconstruction of Amatrice, is one of the focuses of the International Seminar “LAB NARNI – Progettare il paesaggio storico” at the Loggia dei Priori in Narni.
Stefano Boeri Architetti (SBA) contributed to the volume with a text relating to the House of the Future project. The project, conceived by Stefano Boeri Architetti with the communities of Laudato Si ‘and Slow Food, includes the reconstruction of the Don Minozzi Complex, destroyed by the 2016 earthquake. The architect Francesca Motta, Project Leader of SBA, is present at the presentation of the book .
The event is attended by, in addition to the authors: Pisana Posocco (Sapienza University of Rome), Mons.Dominic Pompili (Bishop of Rieti), Don Savino D’Amelio (Superior General Family of Disciples), Giorgio Cortellesi (Mayor of Amatrice), Marta Acierno (Sapienza University of Rome) and Edoardo Currà (Sapienza University of Rome).