Green Obsession by Stefano Boeri Architetti wins the UN SDG Action Award, the “Oscars” of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals that in the SDG Action campaign of the United Nations reward the initiatives that mobilize, inspire and connect communities to drive positive change.
Selected among over 5,000 entries from 190 countries that covered the entire range of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Green Obsession – among the two finalists in the INSPIRE category – was awarded the first prize, motivated by the jury as follows: “encourages a new perspective on cities, promotes global collaboration and supports transformative policy actions. It envisions sustainable cities and communities that prioritize good health and well-being while intensifying climate action through its creative approach to urban planning, ecological connectivity and urban forestry – meeting the SDGs 3, 11 and 13.”
Green Obsession, Trees Towards Cities, Humans Towards Forests is an approach to architecture and urbanism, but above all it is the way to imagine the future of contemporary cities. Born with the aim of enhancing and implementing the principles of urban forestation, “Green Obsession” has become the title of conferences, public programs and a book (published by Actar in 2021 and supported by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts).
In all its forms, the Green Obsession campaign aims to connect cities with the natural sphere and to connect experts from different sectors and disciplines (scientists, politicians, environmentalists, architects, ethologists, researchers, urban planners, city-makers…) towards the common goal of multiplying trees in cities: both by creating new synergies between them, and by supporting the dissemination to the general public of urban forestry strategies and solutions based on nature.
The award was given during the ceremony held on July 24th in Rome, at the headquarters of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with the collaboration of agencies based in Rome, the Coordination Centre of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and the United Nations system in general.
The ceremony was broadcasted live on RaiPlay, Youtube.
The news was also reported by National Geographic Espana, Architecture Hunter, ArchDaily, ArchDaily Brasile, ArchDaily Messico, Corriere della Sera, Pianeta 2030, Euro Broadcast News, Sustainable Earth Reporter, Native American News Today, Archiportale, Canale energia, Gazzetta di Milano, Gazzetta della Lombardia, Mi-Lorenteggio, MondoMilano, ONU Italia, Il Giornale dell’Ambiente, Artdaily, Dispatchist., Greencity, The Post Internazionale, Ansa, Habimat, Fare Cultura, Norte en Lìnea.