On Saturday September 30th at 6.30 pm, Piazza Borghese hosts the meeting Roma come stai? (How are you Rome?) with Stefano Boeri in dialogue with journalist Filippo La Porta.
The Department of Architecture and Project with the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome and the Municipality of Rome I Centre of Roma Capitale are organising a cycle of four evenings animated by dialogues between architects and interlocutors belonging to different fields of culture, to question the future of the Capital.
“In no city is the relationship with the past as important as it is for Rome, constantly called upon to rework its impressive history in order to look ahead and build a new vision of its future. On these topics we will dialogue between knowledge and generations, with local operators and institutions.”
Among the other speakers: Massimiliano Fuksas, Lucia Annunziata, Patricia Urquiola, Claudio Strinati, Franco Purini, Neri Marcorè.
Introduced by Orazio Carpenzano and Giulia Silvia Ghia, with institutional greetings by Lorenza Bonaccorsi and Alessandra Capuano.
For further information: https://www.architettura.uniroma1.it/archivionotizie/roma-come-stai-2023