Taking place from Friday 7 to Sunday 9 October in Bergamo and Brescia is the annual event ‘S.E.M.I. – Stories of excellence, merit and innovation’, organised by the association cultura Italiae. The theme of this fifth edition will be ‘Culture will save the world’.
On Saturday 8 October, on the occasion of the awarding of the title of ‘presidio culturale italiano’ to Giorgio Gori, mayor of Bergamo, and Emilio Del Bono, mayor of Brescia, Stefano Boeri will give a short introductory speech on the role of culture as an element uniting worlds, geographies and experiences.
The news was reported by national newspapers such as Il Mattino; Il Messaggero; Libero; SkyTg24; Il Foglio
Per maggiori informazioni: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-la-cultura-salvera-il-mondo-storie-di-eccellenza-merito-e-innovazione-430803624237