The documentary “Archistars tales: Veneto“, by director and producer Andrea Franchin and co-funded by the Veneto Region and the Ministry of Culture, in which Stefano Boeri Architetti’s project for Treviso Ca’ delle Alzaie is narrated, and the documentari about Raphael’s Cartoon Room in Milan, By Paolo Soravia and The Blink Fish, have been selected and will be screened at the “Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival“, between October 9th and 14th.
The festival, organised by the Istanbul Chamber of Architects, aims to support new productions focusing on the theme of architecture and urbanism, as well as to introduce the public to acclaimed films in this field.
“Archistars tales: Veneto” has been selected among the 37 finalists, who could win the Jury’s Special Prize in memory of Sami Yılmaztürk, former president of the Istanbul Metropolitan Branch of the Order of Architects, who dedicated his professional life to the Order and made great efforts to root our Festival, and passed away in 2018.
The Ca’ delle Alzaie project involves the recovery of a former production area of about 11,000 square metres near the historic centre of Treviso and consists of three residential buildings surrounded by vegetation and spread over about 8,000 square metres. Overlooking the river Sile, the buildings comprise 7 floors above ground – for a total height of 27 m – and the presence of vegetation on 51% of the project area, approximately 2 hectares, with the planting of 400 low-stemmed plants and 170 trees, 120 of which on the facades.
For more information on the festival: https://www.archfilmfest.org/film-festival/