On Tuesday 18 September, the ANIE Federation will host the event ‘The Digital Transformation of the Building Connected with the Smart City’, organised by IotItaly in collaboration with Digital Meet, KNX Italia and ANIE electronic components.
The event focuses on the digitalisation of buildings and smart cities through technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), focusing on the opportunities related to an integrated technological infrastructure.
The round table, moderated by Luciano Pini, President of ANIE Componenti, will be attended by Federico Godino, architect from Stefano Boeri Architetti, who will speak on the Smart City concept from the point of view of the Milanese architecture studio.
Other speakers include: Luca Mustacchi, Massimo Valerii, Francesco Rossi and Andrea Padovan.
For registration and more information: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-la-trasformazione-digitale-del-building-connesso-con-la-smart-city-429833332067