Tuesday, February the 4th, at the headquarters of the Giacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, a speech by Stefano Boeri at the event called “For an open and progressive culture. The Bauhaus and Tomàs Maldonado”. A reflection that traces the collection of writings by Tomàs Maldonado himself, revealing the evolution of his thought and his radical pedagogical and critical commitment, which has marked the school of Ulm and the whole world of design. The dialogue involve Raimonda Riccini, curator of the volume Bauhaus, Marco de Michelis, of the IUAV University of Venice, Francesco Dal Co, architectural historian and Medardo Chiapponi, of the IUAV University of Venice, paying attention to the actuality of the iconic school of art and design.
For more information, see the link: http://fondazionefeltrinelli.it/eventi/per-una-cultura-aperta-e-progressista-il-bauhaus-e-tomas-maldonado/