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Highlights european forum on urban forestry | stefano boeri architetti

european forum on urban forestry
stefano boeri architetti

The annual European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) conference will be held from May 21 to May 25, 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia. The event brings together researchers and practitioners working on urban forests and green spaces.

Organized by the European Forest Institute, Croatian Forestry Society – Urban Forestry Section, Croatian Institute of Forestry Research, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology (University of Zagreb) and Croatian Forests Ltd Company, EFUF 2024 has “Urban Forests for All” as its overall theme.

The event is open to anyone interested in urban forest management, policy, planning and decision-making.

Given the breadth of the theme, EFUF has divided the event into three sub-themes: the first is “Urban Forests for People and Society,” in which speakers will explore the social aspects of urban forests and green space planning and management with the goal of improving the happiness and health of citizens; the second is “Urban Forests for a Sustainable Tomorrow,” in which the forum will explore how to achieve well-functioning urban forests and urban green spaces; and the third is “Urban Forests for All Living Beings,” in which speakers will analyze urban forests and green spaces as habitats.

On Thursday, May 23, EFUF’s “Parallel Sessions” will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Participating in the fourth session on “Progress of Urban Forestry – A Global Journey” will be Simone Marchetti, researcher at Stefano Boeri Architetti.

Simone Marchetti’s talk in particular presents the Parco Italia project, a collaboration between Stefano Boeri Architetti and the AlberItalia Foundation. Parco Italia, a national reforestation program in urban, peri-urban and suburban areas, aims to build a national ecological network to enhance Italy’s natural capital and implement biodiversity. Learn more about the project here.

For more information on EFUF: