From April 11th to 14th, the thirteenth Design & Health World Congress titled “Revitalizing Health by Salutogenic Design – Healthy Environment / Healthy People” is being held at the Polytechnic University of Milan, with Stefano Boeri participating.
Now more than ever, the designed physical environment plays a critical role in population health and wellness. Recent studies underscore the importance of investing in spaces that promote psychological well-being and economic sustainability. This is one of the main themes of the Congress, along with the idea of transitioning from a disease-centric healthcare model to one based on salutogenic science, requiring a paradigm shift that prioritizes the bio-psycho-social needs of individuals and communities within dynamic environments.
In this context, on Friday, April 12th at 10:30 am at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Building 2, Stefano Boeri will deliver a keynote lecture focused on healthcare architecture and the physical and mental health benefits of living nature, a protagonist in many projects of Stefano Boeri Architetti. A striking example of this approach, studying the beneficial contribution of greenery in healthcare architecture, is the new Policlinico di Milano, designed by Boeri Studio and currently under construction, featuring a 6000sqm green roof with playful and therapeutic characteristics.
Among the other participants in this session are Emilio Faroldi, Vice Rector of the Polytechnic University of Milan; Alan Dilani, The Science of the Salutogenesis, Theory and Application; Stefano Capolongo, Architecture and Health.
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