On Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 6.30 pm at the former church in Parco Trotter, within the event Costruire e Abitare – Storie di città, storie di cittadini will be held a dialogue between Richard Sennett, the author of the homonymous book, and Stefano Boeri.
The meeting – which closes the series About a City curated by Fondazione Feltrinelli for Milano Arch Week – aims to generate a reflection on new ways of living, on urban cohabitation, on the role of citizens and communities starting from the book recently published by Feltrinelli Editore. A survey on the contrast between the city for how it is built and for how it is lived, on contemporaneous emblems.
The video interview to Richard Sennett recorded in occasion of the initiative Capitalism without society.
For more informations visit the Fondazione Feltrinelli website page: http://fondazionefeltrinelli.it/eventi/storie-di-citta-richard-sennett/