On Friday 20th May the inauguration of the exhibition Chi è di scena! Cento anni di spettacoli a Ostia Antica (1922-2022) at the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica.
The set-up of the exhibition, designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, is divided into four exhibition “modules”, placed inside the arches of the theater itself, which present maquettes, sketches, graphic of the posters, films and historical photographs, coming from the INDA, from the SIAE Theater Museum Library, from the Istituto Luce historical archive and from private collections.
The exhibition, curated by Alessandro D’Alessio, Nunzio Giustozzi and Alberto Tulli, with the organization of Electa, will be open to the public from 21 May to 23 October.
Here the information for registration and access: https://www.ostiaantica.beniculturali.it/it/eventi/mostra-chi-e-di-scena-cento-anni-di-spettacoli-a-ostia-antica -1922-2022 /