On Thursday 28 November, at 6.30 pm at the Laboratorio di Fondazione Mondadori (Via Formentini, 10, Milan), Silvia Brena will be presenting her book ‘Parole in Tempesta. Dizionario della Contemporaneità‘ (Words in a Storm. Dictionary of Contemporaneity), published by Il Saggiatore, in conversation with Stefano Boeri, author of the postface, Diana De Marchi, president of the Equal Opportunities and Rights Commission of the Municipality of Milan, Vilma Scarpino, CEO of BVA Doxa.
Parole in Tempesta (Words in a Storm), as the author explains, is ‘a journey on the surface and in the depths of our language, in the hidden meanings of the words we use lightly and carelessly in our days and those that could shape everyone’s tomorrow’.
Among ancient and modern words that wander through time and space, Silvia Brena has selected nine (Abuse, Care, Identity, Memory, Death, Nature, Fear, Pain, Truth), showing their origins and transformations, thus creating a ‘lemmary sui generis’. Enriched by a preface by Vittorio Lingiardi and an afterword by Stefano Boeri, Parole in tempesta is a personal and at the same time collective reflection on the power of repairing the world through language, with new conviction and hope: because if it is true that ‘even words are a work of cure’, then learning to use them correctly can be the beginning of a social transformation.
For the book: https://www.ilsaggiatore.com/libro/parole-in-tempesta