As part of the fifth edition of FuoriOrticola, Milano Design Stories presents the Bloom project, which on 10 May presents the case history “Policlinico di Milano: il giardino terapeutico” (Policlinico of Milan: the therapeutic garden), with the participation of Marco Giorgio, Partner of Stefano Boeri Architetti studio.
The event, which declines the values of design within a fluid and multidisciplinary vision, inclusive of other forms of culture, sees two days of talks on the relationship between the landscape designed by man and the one designed by nature.
In this context, at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday 10 May, “Policlinico di Milano: il giardino terapeutico” (Policlinico of Milan: the therapeutic garden) includes a talk on the project for the New Policlinico of Milan, designed by Boeri Studio in collaboration with Techint S.p.a. (consortium leader), ABDArchitetti, B.T.C. S.r.l., C+S Associati, Labics, LAND S.r.l., TRT Trasporti e Territorio S.r.l. The project presents a 6,000 square metre roof garden housing 100 trees of varying sizes and various shrub species with the aim of offering a space dedicated to rehabilitation and various kinds of play and therapeutic activities.
The talk is also attended by Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra of the Barreca & La Varra studio and Shirly Mantin, designer and director of Studio Land, which designed the green areas.
To register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/biglietti-milano-design-stories-bloom-630833870087
The news was also reported by Elle Decor.