On Wednesday, May 3rd, at the Aula Magna Barbieri of the Department of Agriculture at the University of Sassari, the conference Biocities: The Urban Environments of the Future. In Cities, Beyond Cities, in which Stefano Boeri participates with the lecture The Future of Cities, focusing on the main challenges of the urban environment related to the relationship with the natural sphere.
The Biocities project, launched by the European Forest Institute and coordinated by SISEF – Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology), has been realized thanks to a wide collaboration of researchers belonging to different disciplines, with the central intent of developing resilient cities and socio-ecological systems linked to nature-based solutions.
The conference discusses the future of cities, the importance of urban forestry, terrestrial biodiversity and urban biodiversity, knowledge and innovation in urban environmental systems, and the relationship between agricultural landscapes and cities.
Other speakers are Fabio Salbitano (UNISS); Giuseppe Scarascia (EFI Biocities); Simone Borelli (FAO); Donatella Spano (UNISS); Marco Marchetti (EFI Board); Giuseppe Pulina; Andrea De Montis (UNISS). Pier Paolo Roggero (UNISS) will moderate.
For more information: https://www.uniss.it/uniss-comunica/eventi/biocities-gli-ambienti-urbani-del-futuro-nelle-citta-oltre-le-citta
To follow the live broadcast on YouTube: www.youtube.com/@dipartimentodiagrariadisas2231/streams
The news was also reported by national newspapers such as La Nuova Sardegna