On May 14th, the second stage of the Architecture Seminars cycle organized by THE PLAN takes place, titled “Architecture between sustainability and technological innovation – challenges and ESG objectives for conscious design,” featuring Paolo Russo, Director and Project Leader at Stefano Boeri Architetti.
Within the 10 appointments scheduled throughout 2024, a specific theme will be identified for each occasion. For this event, the theme is “Contemporary Residences,” showcasing virtuous examples of residential projects with specific focuses on materials, functions, and innovative technologies.
At 4:40 PM, Paolo Russo presents “Redefining urban density: the Vertical Forest in social housing,” focusing on the Trudo Vertical Forest project, the first example of a vertical forest entirely dedicated to social housing in Eindhoven. Designed primarily to accommodate low-income users – such as young professionals and students – the Eindhoven tower hosts rent-controlled apartments of high living quality. The complex vision of “housing” coexistence between humans and other species thus amplifies in the project into a dual challenge: the opportunity to unite the significant challenge of the environmental crisis with the urgent need for affordable housing in contemporary cities.
Among other participants are: Christian Bottiani, Business Developer Italy Iris Ceramica Group; Arch. Mattia Donati, Architects & Designers Sales Manager Cosentino Italia; Arch. Manuela Boffo, Business Development Manager Canale Architetti Vimec; Arch. Ing. Francesco Conserva, Vice President of Open Project.
Moderator: Arch. Lorena Alessio, Founder of the laa studio in Turin.
The event is accredited for the issuance of 3 CFPs (Continuous Professional Development) for architects.
For more information and registration, visit: https://www.theplan.it/whats_on/residenze-contemporanee-larchitettura-tra-sostenibilit-e-innovazione-tecnologica