On Monday October 23rd, work begins on the portion of the building site relating to the redevelopment of Piazza Matteotti, part of the project for A Green Promenade for Cagliari’s waterfront, presented by the temporary grouping of MATE Società Cooperativa, Stefano Boeri Architetti, StudioSilva, S.T.P., MIC-HUB, with the archaeologist Demis Massimiliano Murgia, following the tender won for the redefinition of Cagliari’s waterfront – which envisages the redevelopment of the promenade in Via Roma, an intervention on the waterfront of the Port, and the redevelopment of Piazza Matteotti.
In particular, the project intervention aims at enhancing the area’s mixed-use character, to implement social inclusion and community cohesion, creating new epicentres of collective life also in anticipation of the area’s development towards the port.
Great importance is given to greenery, in line with the city’s urban reforestation philosophy, to protect biodiversity, combat the effects of climate change and purify the air: with the planting of more than 200 new trees – in addition to the maintenance of all the existing tree component – and approximately 5,700 square metres of green areas, the creation of a new city park is guaranteed, easily accessible from the entire Via Roma front. In this way, the project significantly contributes to increasing the presence of greenery, capable of retaining fine dust and absorbing CO2, as well as reducing the ‘heat island’ effect and mitigating the microclimate.
The news was reported by Quotidiano Nazionale, Unione Sarda.