Thursday, Dec. 15, and Friday, Dec. 16, the 17th Global Forum on Human Settlements is being held, promoted by the United Nations for the dialogue and promotion of sustainable cities and human settlements for all. The theme of the meeting is Together for a shared safer and greener urban future: resilient, carbon-neutral and nature-positive cities, emphasizing the primary goals of the forum with respect to the future of the city and urban design.
The event is being attended by experts and researchers in the field of environmental sustainability from around the world, and, on Friday 16, an award ceremony for the Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award 2022 in the category Architectural Design and Community Planning is scheduled during the forum for the Trudo Vertical Forest, a project by Stefano Boeri Architetti for a new biodiversity architecture that applies the Vertical Forest model to social housing in Eindhoven for the first time.
For more information: https://gfhsforum.org/content?article_id=657
To attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83321354911?pwd=c1o3M0RSeUxLUmNTNmg0YlI1bjYyZz09
Meeting ID: 833 2135 4911 Passcode: 351225