On El Pais a urban analysis on Milan and its deep mutations of the last years. With different strategies from the North to the South the city hosts today a new generation of buildings and a radical change process which has started with Expo and that is still on.
In fact the Milanese neighborhood that mostly represent the urban transformation of the last decade, Porta Nuova, have seen the rising of buildings signed by Italian and international architects, from the Unicredit Tower to the Vertical Forest, from the Generali Tower to the Diamante Tower, till the recently inaugurated Biblioteca degli Alberi, signed by the Dutch group led by Petra Blaisse, but also the horizontal skyscraper designed by Herzog & De Meuron in Porta Volta that hosts Fondazione Feltrinelli andMicrosoft.
An apparatus of operations that made Milan cradle of urban experimentations in a constant dialogue with the preexisting city and with environmental issues.
The full article: https://elpais.com/cultura/2018/12/21/babelia/1545407267_789254.html