An article on Domus introduces Homo Faber, an ambitious event that will take place at the Fondazione Cini in Venice. A unique occasion to observe craftmanships and to promote the artisanal dimension, pointing at “a more human future”.
The initiative is curated by the newborn Michelangelo Foundation and it is surely the most important of this kind. The structure foresees 16 thematic exhibitions curated by international experts who will colonise the Foundation on San Giorgio island to demonstrate that “in an increasingly digital reality, our dreams can be more and more analogic. And the hands of man are better than any machine”.
Among the 16 works Stefano Boeri curates the set-up of the exhibition curated by Jean Blanchaert. Best of Europe will report on the best European artisans – 150 for 180 objects.
“Such a beautiful craftmanship to be art and an art that haven’t forgot about artisanals techniques”.
The full article: https://www.domusweb.it/en/design/2018/06/28/homo-faber-where-hands-are-better-than-any-machine.html