On ANSAmed, an article tells about Stefano Boeri‘s new project, with Stefano Boeri Interiors, Shifton and Fondazione Maimeri, the aim of the project is to transform the former military base of Lampedusa into an international study center – a place of research and study on political, cultural and artistic projects on the themes of peace and of migratory flows.
“When we talk about migration in Lampedusa- says Stefano Boeri -, we talk about lives in motion, stories, identities that have met over the centuries, these left many deep traces on this island. The idea of an immigration museum can only start with collecting these stories “.
To read the entire article, follow the link: https://www.ansamed.info/ansamed/it/notizie/stati/italia/2022/02/22/un-centro-studi-internazionale-in-ex-base-militare-lampedusa_e2a722e3-e079-4730-b3b2-ffc18c63057e.html?idPhoto=1