How to manage the process of reconstruction, and its social component after the earthquake in central Italy? What to do during the process of reconstruction and before the final outcome? Which are the real prospective based on the current state? How to avoid the previous mistakes of reconstructions done in Italy after the earthquakes that shook the country since Seventies till today? This are some of the questions that Stefano Boeri addressed during his intervention at Matrix Canale5, with journalist Nicola Porro and hon. Paola de Micheli and Alessandro Cecchi Paone.
The first step for reconstruction, said Stefano Boeri, is to restore or rebuild the factories, then the homes, finally the churches. And the wood is the best material which can be used for reconstruction, mainly because of its lightness and flexibility. The first goal for any reconstruction is to preserve the “social environment” of the towns and the challenge is to rebuild them, paying attention to the roots and the history of the buildings, but not forgetting to watch to the future.