On may 24th, at 9.00 p.m. at Triennale garden in Milan, Stefano Boeri will welcome the Open talk: Fridays for Future Milano. Al Tavolo del Futuro. As part of the Milan Arch Week and at the end of the second global climate strike, the boys and girls of Fridays For Future Milano present their questions trying to understand rules and strategies of personalities from the world of culture and companies to face the ongoing climate crisis, to save the planet before it’s too late.
9.00 pm – Welcome by Stefano Boeri, President of Triennale di Milano
- The climate changes explained by Simone Molteni, scientific director of LifeGate.
- The Fridays for Future Milan movement talks about its struggle for the climate, which is everyone’s struggle.
- Dialogue between Fridays for Future Milan and representatives of the business world, culture and media.
Guest (update in progress):
Luciano Fontana, director of Corriere della Sera
Marco Pedroni, president of Coop Italia
La Pina of Radio Deejay
For more informations: https://www.milanoarchweek.eu/