Gazzetta del Sud announces the completion of the planting of 1,500 species in Taverna (CZ), in the ‘Piano del pero’ area, an initiative carried out as part of the Parco Italia project.
Parco Italia è una proposta di Stefano Boeri Architetti e AlberItalia che prende ispirazione dal più ampio progetto di forestazione Green Urban Oases – elaborato da Stefano Boeri Architetti insieme alla FAO e ad altri enti ed istituti di ricerca – orientato alla realizzazione di corridoi ecologici che attraversino 90 città dall’Africa all’Asia centrale.
The project aims to define criteria and actions to improve connectivity and biodiversity in Italy, and to promote afforestation, reforestation and restoration of degraded areas, as well as community awareness of environmental and forest management issues.
The strategies for the Parco Italia project are based on the idea of creating a large network of forests and ecological connections, physically linking urban and coastal areas with the large forest structure and protected areas, in order to improve connectivity and biodiversity, promoting afforestation, reforestation and restoration initiatives.
In particular, the project includes a unified design of the ecological corridor network, with the definition of guidelines for both the design and management of the network of forests and green areas through the creation of a dedicated foundation resulting from dialogue between the public and private sectors.
For more information on Parco Italia project: www.parcoitalia.it
To read the full article: https://gazzettadelsud.it/