On Sunday November 19th from 10.00 a.m to 5.00p.m. the conference 21 Minuti – Dialoghi sul Futuro (21 Minutes – Dialogues on the Future) takes place, with an online talk by Stefano Boeri.
21 Minuti is a project conceived by the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation, a non-profit research organisation dedicated to the study of human functioning for over 20 years. The Foundation, through its Research Institute for Neuroscience, Education and Didactics (RINED), promotes people’s health, resilience and wellbeing and disseminates practical, immediate, innovative and effective tools that support people in learning how to know how to do, how to live in order to ‘be’ in an ever-changing world.
In this context, Stefano Boeri speaks with a contribution on sustainable development in relation to the human being, linked to the UN 2030 Agenda.
Other participants include: Patrizio Paoletti, creator of 21 Minuti; Simona Roveda, co-founder and editorial and communication director of LifeGate, an important Italian media network for sustainability; Jeff Orlowski-Yang, two-time Emmy Award winner, his most famous documentaries are “Chasing Ice” (2012) and “The Social Dilemma” (2020); Orsola De Castro, fashion designer and sustainable fashion columnist, co-founder of Fashion Revolution, the world’s largest fashion activist movement; Alex Armillotta, co-founder and CEO of AWorld, an App that supports the UN ActNow campaign on climate change and sustainability; Caterina Sarfatti, Managing Director Inclusion and Global Leadership of C40 cities, a network that supports cities in tackling the climate crisis; Navid Nathoo, Founder of TKS, a programme that empowers young people to solve global challenges using emerging technologies.
For more information: https://en.21min.org/l-evento-2023